Spotify offers a playlist for pets

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12.3.2020 | Spotify offers a playlist for pets

The Spotify music streaming platform has recently introduced another new feature. You can now customize your playlist to suit your pets.

The company decided to include the novelty in its application based on the finding that almost 74% of the British who keep a pet at home play music to their pets. 42% of respondents said their animal had a favorite musical style and a quarter saw that they even danced to music. PetPlaylist is definitely not only for dogs and cats. Spotify also offers special lists for hamsters, birds or iguanas. If you want to try the service, choose your pet from the site menu and answer a few questions to help you personalize your playlist. Finally, you can upload your own photo and add the name of the animal. With these steps, Spotify connects you to someone who has already created a similar list and you can entertain your pets even when you are not at home. If you have a dog at home, you can let him have a special podcast that starts with a spoken word followed by telling different stories and soothing music.


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