There will be no optical audio ports in PS5

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7.9.2020 | There will be no optical audio ports in PS5

According to the news from The Verge Sony’s next gen console (PS5) will no longer include the optical audio port. The previously released PS4 slim also dropped the standard. Thus, it is not surprising.

For the question how will the old Astro Headsets will work with that – They told: to be able to accommodate the players who still have their old headsets, they will also release HDMI-to-optical audio splitter and this will help the old headsets connect with PS5 without the need of any additional hardware – except that.

This splitter will cost around 40$. But if the users type in the serial codes on their Astro Headphones on the company’s website, they can enjoy a 15$ discounted price. The optical audio ports has been staying with Sony Play Station 2 since 20 years ago. Some people might upset about the audio port not being included but hey! This also means that Sony is inventing for the future. So, chins up!


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