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9.4.2020 | Shortly from everywhere

Huawei revenue in 2019 reached $ 123 billion, up 19.1 percent year-over-year. The original projects expected $ 135 billion, which was affected by sanctions. But these are still strong figures. Net profit is $ 9 billion. R&D investment was $ 18.9 billion. Sections for operators and enterprise IT grew and 240 million phones were sold. In the case of smartphones internally this year is expected to fall by 25 percent. Further figures are in the Annual Report. The outlooks for this year are unclear. Huawei is trying to become as independent as possible, but the US is preparing a plan that is waiting for Trump's signature, which could cut the company from manufacturing chips in TSMC. US companies supplying chip-making equipment would need to apply for a license if they were to serve Huawei.

The Financial Times also reported that the new Huawei P40 Pro phones still contain US components, although they should not have sanctions. Radio modules use technologies from Qualcomm (exempt), Skyworks and Qorvo. The newspaper also writes that Huawei increased purchases from US companies by 70 percent last year. It purchased $ 18.7 billion from Microsoft, Google, Broadcom or Qualcomm. Bloomberg adds that "not made in China" is another big step for the technology world.

Wired then discusses that attempts to shut down China could soon inadvertently return to the United States. The magazine argues that these efforts accelerate China's efforts to become independent in chips, and that manufacturers will want to do without American components in chip production.

Xiaomi introduced the Mi 10, Mi 10 Pro and Mi 10 Lite phones. They will be available from April and May. It is a traditional flagship evolution to this year's parameters. An interesting model is Mi 10 Lite, which could cost under ten thousand crowns, offering a 5G modem.
Microsoft Releases Public Preview Power Apps. These are mobile apps for iOS and Android that can create applications without programming knowledge (canvas and model-driven).

WinRAR version 5.90 is released. The main news is support for 16-core processors and 64 threads.

Apple buys Dark Sky, a developer of advanced weather forecasting software. Apparently, he wants to become independent from third-party data sources such as The Weather Company from IBM. Dark Sky for Android has already been downloaded.

Niantic acquires startup The creators of Pokémon GO have access to AR technology, which can use smartphones to map the surrounding real environment and convert it into a 3D environment.

IKEA has acquired Geomagical Labs. For example, users can use the app to scan a room, remove furniture from it, and try a new virtual one. Computer vision and co. IKEA likes to experiment with similar new features. Already launched AR tool for placing virtual furniture in real environment.

Sony has a separate company, Sony Electronics Corporation. It arises from the former Electronics Products & Solutions division, which was formed by the merger of smartphones, cameras and TVs. These products have been problematic for Sony for a long time and it is not entirely clear what will happen to this business.

Palo Alto Networks buys CloudGenix for $ 420 million It deals with software-defined networks (SD-WAN) in the enterprise sector, where it competes with Cisco, for example. Palo Alto integrates technology into Prisma Access.

Two interesting investments in VR projects. Roto VR is developing a swivel chair for virtual reality and now has £ 1.5 million. Strivr, who focuses on teaching at the CoR, has again received $ 30 million and already has $ 51 million.

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