More than 1,000 Android Phones Found To Be Infected With Newly Discovered Malware

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22.11.2021 | More than 1,000 Android Phones Found To Be Infected With Newly Discovered Malware

More than 1,000 Android users have been infected with newly discovered malware that surreptitiously records audio and video in real time, downloads files, and performs a variety of other creepy surveillance activities according to the security firm Zimperium.

In all, researchers uncovered 23 apps that covertly installed spyware that researchers from security firm Zimperium are calling PhoneSpy. The malware offers a full-featured array of capabilities that, besides eavesdropping and document theft, also includes transmitting GPS location data, modifying Wi-Fi connections, and performing overlay attacks for harvesting passwords to Facebook, Instagram, Google, and the Kakao Talk messaging application.

So far, all known victims are located in South Korea, but Zimperium hasn’t ruled out the possibility that people in other countries are also being targeted.


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