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Facebook ignored its own finding that its algorithms divided users.

He feared the impact on involvement and also the reaction of conservatives. Commercial interests are always superior to good. In the end, Facebook deliberately further strengthened the delivery of more distributive content to users in order to get their attention and increase the time they spend on the platform. The whole thing has such a fundamental effect that, for example, 64% of people who joined an extremist group did so because the Facebook algorithms recommended it to them. See Facebook reportedly ignored its own research showing algorithms divided users.

Facebook will start verifying the identities of the accounts, which will become viral. Until verification, such accounts will have a limited reach. In Verifying the Identity of People Behind High-Reach Profiles, they classically justify this by wanting to ensure the authenticity of the content and that the content is from real people, not bots. Since 2018, Facebook has been verifying the identity of administrators of large sites. However, the whole thing only concerns the USA, the rest of the world does not deal with Facebook. For sites, this will also mean that administrators will not be able to post at all unless administrators verify their identities.


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